
Friday, December 12, 2014

The mountain, the sisterhood and the girl.

Wa-La, just like that it’s Friday and all is right in my world.   I met the beast last night in yoga class that thought a girl with exercise induced asthma could just hop right up there on that mountain with very little warm up.  Then…she must have seen my costume because she thought I was wonder woman and decided to leave me on that mountain for FOREVER!  The decent down were asanas I recognized after years of study before in advanced classes, maybe toned down just a bit.   Whoever said North River classes were lame…*tisk*.  Ok, so now she’s my hero.  Now I will follow her around town like an adrenaline junkie.  You know it’s a good teacher when the the next day you wake up and nothing is too awfully sore but you feel like you can fly.  I’m not ripped to shreds but definitely that root chakra is opening and just like that, I’m back in childhood.  So let’s play…shall we?

I’ve another yoga class on Saturday morning while my husband is participating in his “Spartan” adventure.  Of which, they do rip you to shreds very quickly and not very forgivingly.  In yoga this would be considered violence against the body.  However, many men seem to prefer this madness method over anything else.  Let’s be fair, it’s not just men.  His teacher is a woman without any compassion whatsoever.  There are three other ladies in his class that can at this point go a little further than most of the men.  Do I lie and say this is so wrong!  No, I can’t lie because I deep down do get a kick out of strong women leading the way, especially in fitness.   We reclaim our bodies for ourselves and make them strong and beautiful, graceful just like our hearts.   I’m very proud of him for seeing the equality in a woman teacher.  

No matter what type of fitness you prefer it is good to choose one.  Choose anything that will be an outlet, a sacred place where everything else gets laid down and discarded.  To lose weight is one thing and sometimes needed but really just to hug your own self and feel alive.  Feel like you did when you were little and you didn’t understand grown up problems.  The only thing you cared about was what to play that day.  Yes Ladies, you can feel this way it’s not just for guys!  Yoga does open the energetic pathway  up your spine beginning at the base which can be extremely provocative but leads to love for all humanity.  Emotional traumas and false identity issues get thrown away by the second Chakra, the life-force hits the third and you’ve embraced all that you are.  Opening the fourth is an outpouring onto others that which you cannot contain, memories come rushing back of wounds and joys and a connectedness to all that is.  True forgiveness lives here.  By the fifth your starting to see a bigger picture and your voice emerges.  A powerful voice that you never knew existed.  This amazing energy hits your sixth and all your senses are heightened.  You smell everything more, taste everything more, hear the unspoken things, intentions of others and you come alive in such an amazing way.  The seventh is enlightenment and God is all around you at a moments notice.  Life moves this way or that but you are still and in love and full of bliss in this presence.  This is yoga.  

Moments in our life open and close our Chakras by happenstance.  Sometimes we have this or that sensation/feeling.  What yoga does, is a balance.  It brings these energies into alignment.  it’s not just a hit and miss anymore it’s a way of life.  Your gift of free will is directed and focused and your not just flying by the seat of your pants.  So yoga is not just looking really cute in tight pants and a tank top. ;)  It can be whatever you want it to be.  For me, it’s a tool to be here on this earth for a time in a way that expands, helps and heals and NO, my fellow Christians and faith chasers, Jesus is not excluded from my practice.  Jesus is the essence of it. Peace.

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