
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Relationships, relationships, relationships!

I read through my fb feed, browse my Instagram and skim over a tweet or two.  The vibe is the same.  Relationships, relationships, relationships.  Celebrity relationships, cheating relationships, new relationships,  broken this, sexy that and a whole lot of people believing another person defines them.  I try to make sense of it all being a little darkened and lifted by my own experiences, the good, bad and everything in between.  

I have a few things to say to the girls that completely surrender themselves to the power of another that you can no longer see who they are.  Where have you gone?  Were you not good enough to shine brighter?  What stories must you have been told and believed that you buried yourself under the guise of another and in laying down your own path, took up another unfamiliar to you.  You will regret not answering to your life's call and its not everybody's is to find a man/woman.  Sometimes your call could be just to be who you are in an extraordinary way.

To the mom who lives, eats, shits and breathes your kids,  Oh I'm not saying your babies aren't the most beautiful creatures ever or I'm not mesmerized by the incredible cuteness.  I'm saying, "where are you?"  Do you exist or is your purpose just to take baby pics and lose your whole identity in your kids?  Cause one day will come when it's their right to detach and live their own lives and you will wonder where you've been for the past eighteen years.  I see a lot of mothers out there but I don't see many female examples, leaders or motivators for these precious little ones.  If you want your child to have a voice in this world, then where's yours?  

To the sacrificial lambs who I see must believe it's ok for your man to be a dick and you must remain the saint... You have been deceived.  It is not ok for your guy to go out and party with his friends while you stay home and change diapers and get called a frigid bitch.  (Read this on fb this morning). There is nothing wrong whatsoever with tossing him the diapers and you putting your dancing shoes on from time to time.  It was our mothers and theirs who shoved down our throats, anything with a swinging dick must be worshiped and they get to call the shots.  These days are no more and though I can relate to the motherly worry and concern we seem to exude in active demonstration to the world for our babies,  there is still an unfairness that never feels right.  You are more then you know or have ever been told.  You can have it all and never lose one drop of love for your child all along the way. 

To the girl who never seems to find Mr. right and moves from one relationship to another...if you just sit still, he will find you.  He will come looking and you will be out on a date with some loser that didn't care about you at all because how many Mr Rights can you date in a month and why does your Mr Right always seem to be holding a beer standing beside a big muddier truck? (You'll get that if your from the south).  

To the men who are happily ok with a weak minded woman taking off her identity like you take off your boots, and morphed herself into her mans idea of what she should be. You are missing out!  You will never know the amazing feminine that is within her.  You will never see her wings or taste her truest freedom.  She is intuitive in a way that will amaze you and maybe piss you off but it's hers.  To those that hide behind the church  somehow believing Jesus taught a woman to be less than a man.  Shame on you!  For within every woman's beating heart that knows the good Lord personally understands a silent, unspoken thing that tells her she is his and loved beyond reason, magical.  A woman is, the closet thing to the Lords heart.  She hears it even in this world that says men are so much more than she is.  

So to all the relationships, straight ones and gay ones, black ones, white ones and everything in between, you are here on planet earth to be an individual and grow your own soul.  Should you be lucky enough to find someone who enhances this instead of taking it away remain ever so faithful and congratulations for you are few and far between.  For my Facebook feed who showcased a divorce, a homosexual coming out of the closet, a woman claiming she is nothing without her love and a feeling of suicide, stand up.  You are more than you know!  Relationships are not everything and the sole reason for being alive.  They can be only the icing on the cake.  For if you have not done the work to know yourself, then your relationships are superficial at best and will net prove satisfactory.  So everybody get your crap together and be something.  Strong and unique and don't settle for your fears.  Chase amazing people that flavor you and bring out your amazing possibilities but never ever ever think you are not more!!! 

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